Responsible Tourism

Kevin Phun is a specialist, lecturer, and occasional practitioner in the area of Responsible Tourism. He is probably Singapore’s only person in the area of responsible tourism.

Kevin lectures in various private educational institutes in Singapore and is a regular adjunct lecturer for Murdoch’s tourism programme in Singapore, through Kaplan School of Higher Education.

Kevin is also involved in consulting work in ecotourism and community-based tourism work in the region and writes regularly for various organisations like TTG Asia, Mekong Tourism in which he is the contributing expert and also for the Pacific Asia Travel association (PATA).

Kevin completed his MSc in Responsible Tourism programme with the Leeds Metropolitan University in 2010 and has a PG Cert in Sustainable Development with the School of the Oriental and African studies (SOAS, U.K.).  He has been in the tourism industry for over 17 years, working in various sectors in his younger years and now involved in the sustainability aspect of the industry.

He started the Centre for Responsible Tourism Singapore where he carries out webinars on responsible tourism topics and also created online courses in responsible tourism.

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